In case of any problem / query related to online fee payment, parents can contact at : 7999561545
Click on tab Pay Online Fee available on the school website’s Home Page - http://davlucknow.com/
Note : *Please check the fee description carefully before payment, incase you make payment and do not get the receipt due to net connectivity, kindly wait for 24 hours for automatically Re-generation of receipt.
Payment Online Mode: After the payment from the Payment Gateway for student fee the user gets redirected to the DAV OSM Website. The following screenshot comes as a pop-up between the process. Select "Send Anyway" option to proceed further and the website will be redirected to the OSM Website and a receipt number will be generated.

If the "Go Back" option is selected the transaction will end there, and the amount will get deducted from the user but, the fee will not be collected as the receipt will not generate.